Whenever I’m asked about the key or the driving force behind a successful venture, I say “the right team”, in a heartbeat. We often regard efficient execution, strong leadership, or proficient product to be the impetus to a successful business. No matter how strong a company is in all these aspects, it will not accomplish its desired goals without the support of a dedicated and sincere team. In my opinion, a team is the backbone of a business which supports it through the ups and downs and keeps it strong and upright. That is why, it is crucial to build the right team. Although, what does this ‘right team’ comprise of? What makes a candidate fit for this team? Naturally, there is no straitjacket formula to build this dream team, no specific checklist to adhere to. What is of essence is the core values your team shall possess. The need for the right team exists across all organisations, the requirements change from business to business. However, what remains intact are these core values.

Now, what are these values that can bring about pivotal changes to a business? What are these core principles that ought to be present in a person as a team member? As for me, these core values are consistency, loyalty, perseverance, dedication, inclusivity, inquisitiveness and humility. Consistency is quintessential to a firm’s growth. Lack in consistency leads to fluctuations in the company’s overall performance and demotivates the team altogether. Loyalty to one’s organisation is pertinent to the success of any business. With loyalty, comes a sense of belief in the goals of the organisation, which is very important. Perseverance brings about staunch determination and conviction. It drives the team member from within to contribute his/her every blood, sweat and tear towards building a better organisation, and every achievement of the organisation is then perceived as a personal achievement. A business can only boom if every team member is personally involved in the business, has a strong interest in the field of business or is at least willing to learn about it. Asking questions is not something one should shy away from, as this inquisitiveness is the key to growth. Lastly, humility is that one value which holds true outside the workplace environment as well. It is that one value that sets people apart. One must never let their position or monetary status get in the way of their conduct towards others. For an instance, one might often come across a situation where he/she would be required to unlearn and relearn quite a lot of concepts despite being at a high position. Humility is what takes them across this path and brings about a sense of detachment towards the greed and pride in their position. A perfect blend of these qualities is what one must look for while building their dream team. Above all, team spirit- We often relate this quality with sports. Although, team spirit is extremely relevant when it comes to building the right team in an organisation as well. It binds the team in a cohesive bond which protects the organisation through every stage, be it a success or a failure.

In my opinion, these core values are significant values for my dream team. While building the right team, it is important to first filter these core values, to recognise what you are looking for in candidates. Next comes asking the right questions. While building your team and choosing the right candidates, ask questions that will reveal the core values of the candidates. It is not advisable to base this decision on their academic records or official experience. Finally, once you have your perfect candidates, instil in them a feeling of belongingness with regard to the organization, make them feel inclusive in the business, give them a vision to relate to, and give everyone a chance to express their ideas. It is important to remember, a true leader is one who not only directs his/her team but also walks with them. Do the same, lead your organisation towards unbounded productivity and success.